Counselling and Therapy for Couples

" The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed."

C.G. Jung

It is my goal to enable couples to experience their relationships with joie de vivre and light heartedness (again).

I would like to open avenues to effective conflict resolution and a communication based on goodwill, humanity and, not least, humour. Couples, who manage to disentangle from patterns of defence, withdrawal and isolation experience the resulting, renewed contact as extremely exciting and alive. They re-discover their initial, heart-felt vitality and natural enthusiasm and dare to embark on the adventure of giving their lives a positive turn, with the emphasis on pleasure and sensuality.

Do you ask yourself, how to...

…get from conflict and quarrel to agreement and resolution?

…go forward out of the vicious circle of argument and misunderstanding?

…learn to love one another again?

…not feel trapped and lost in relationship?

…regain authenticity?

…manage, in the worst case, a separation without inflicting too much pain on one another?

Assisting your self-healing powers

The self-healing powers of a couple-relationship (be it heterosexual or same sex) are greater than any outside counselling influence can ever be. The aim is to give the space and support to the intimate relationship, to identify those behavioural patterns that might need re-evaluating and, possibly, modifying.

Often feelings of guilt, accusations and a tendency to see the problem in the other have a negative impact on communication. The original, positive emotions the relationship is based on, are covered with frustration, anger or despondency.

Many couples discover during therapy that both partners perpetuate deep rooted reservations and negative feelings out of inner, self reflective misunderstandings. This happens because the partners shy away from expressing supposedly threatening, possibly offending truths.

The fear of upsetting the fragile equilibrium of the relationship in a way, that might destroy it, is often greater than the desire to make the best of the companionship with a beloved person. Here I want to open the space for the partners, to broaden the boundaries of their expression and communication, within a safe frame which always sees the benefit to the relationship as paramount.

The partners experience the discovery of a new, loving and honest language as liberating. Furthermore, wholehearted and empathetic listening provide a deeper understanding of one’s own, inner, psychic world. This is increasingly helpful in the differentiation between what belongs “to you”, “to me” or “to us”. This new language, which every couple has to find and continuously re-discover can develop into an exciting adventure of self-discovery and a feeling of love, that is deeper and more mature than any long-gone being-in-love.