Therapy for Individuals, Couples and Families

Therapy works...

For individual clients the issues are mostly immediate states of being, which can be positively influenced by the caring attention they pay to their soul. I want to support my clients in discovering and utilising the resources and potentials within them, so that they are able to find autonomous solutions. Alternative perspectives on one’s reality, that we routinely wouldn’t take into account, are often useful in order to develop new behavioural patterns.

...also in times of crisis,...

Another group of clients finds it useful to be accompanied during times of change or crisis. Transitions, loss, grief, aging and the connected themes and processes of reflection are part of these issues.

...for relationships...

It is the case for a lot of people, that unresolved questions and deficits reflect destructively into their relationships. When, for example, the loss of a child, or the impossibility of having children does not get the required grieving space, this can lead to resentment and bitterness within the couple. If it is not given the appropriate attention, this can become an existential threat to the relationship. Insofar couples’ work is also always a process of self-experience. The more the partners look at one another and the relationship, the more they learn about themselves. questions of sexuality...

As a Creative Couple Worker and a Sexual Grounding Therapist I am deeply interested in this dynamic, and work with both individuals and couples who want to develop their relationship and their ability to relate.

...for families...

Similar to couples, families also have their specific, sometimes typical issues. Misunderstandings, disappointed expectations, communication problems, generation conflicts, developmental stages and their specific questions (puberty, coming of age, choice of career etc.), complex family constellations („patchwork families”, as we call them in Germany) are all challenges that can develop in a surprisingly rewarding way, when observed from an empathic, neutral perspective.

...and in groups, too.


Questions of relating, gender and sexuality are, in my experience, well suited for group work, and I always aim to offer groups and workshops in these fields.