It takes a village to raise a child…

An old African proverb says, that raising children and family life also have a substantial social component. It is a long established truth in psychotherapy, that working collectively can be very rewarding and effective.

We benefit from the knowledge that we are not alone in our distress and with our problems, we learn from one another and experience the support of others as beneficial and normalising. Groups are of high value, especially in the area of relationship and family and in questions of gender identity and gender relations.

Furthermore groups have the pleasant quality of introducing humour into processes that gain a certain light heartedness while maintaining the required seriousness.

Another advantage of group work is, that, depending on the problem, a multitude of techniques are at our disposal. Systemic work, family constellations, psychodrama and group dynamic processes can be used equally while the group provides the individual with the safe frame to engage with deep process.