What can I do for you?

FAQ – first meeting

What am I to expect in the sessions?

During the initial meeting we clarify your expectations and needs from the therapy. An appropriate course of action will be agreed as well as frequency and length of the sessions. As this is a dynamic situation these tasks and arrangements will be under constant review during the course of the therapy.

How long will it approx. take, until I will notice a positive effect of the therapy?

This justified question can only be answered in the specific case. Some clients will benefit quite swiftly after a few meetings, in other circumstances there might be a case for deeeper enquiry into the roots of the issue, e.g. the family of origin. Naturally this will take a little longer. However, I consider a regular evaluation of the therapeutic progress as positive under all circumstances. The needs and wishes of the clients are paramount in this respect.

Illustration zweier Menschen im Dialog

What difficulties might I encounter, when I embark on a therapy with you?

In all therapy there is the possibility, that the client experiences a transitional intensifying of stress. Some of these are relatively clearly predictable in advance, some might only develop during therapy. It makes sense to touch upon these effects in the initial session, so that the client can get as realistic a picture of what to expect from our work together as possible.

Will my health insurance cover this therapy?

As Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie I invoice my clients directly. Some private insurance policies however will cover the costs, sometime partly. Many insurance companies offer tariffs to cover Heilpraktiker up to an upper limit. My current rate sheet you will find here.

However, clients who have had difficulties obtaining therapy through the health insurance system can find out more about the possibilities of being reimbursed by their insurers here.