Sexual Grounding™ Therapy

What is Sexual Grounding Therapy™?

 Sexual Grounding Therapy is an effective form of psychological self-development rooted in experiential body-psychotherapy in a group format. It was developed in the early 1990s by Willem Poppeliers, a Dutch clinical psychologist and body-psychotherapist, and the principal trainer. Sexual Grounding Therapy is based on Poppeliers' pragmatic theory, and is an innovative approach to systemic, body-oriented depth psychology and sexual therapy. It offers a missing piece to many psychotherapeutic methods, since it deals in a clear, direct and pure way with all delicate issues around sexuality and relationships.

What is different about Sexual Grounding Therapy™?

Sexual Grounding Therapy follows Freud in considering the primal life force to be sexual, but goes beyond his original pioneering work by charting precisely how sexual energy unfolds during a person's lifetime. In particular, it provides a framework for realising how being born into the world of one's parents relationship (known in Sexual Grounding Therapy as 'The Triangle') and cultural context can impede the proper flow of this energy. Sexual Grounding Therapy offers a way to regain healthy sexual functioning, based on a model of psychosexual development and maturation, spanning an individual's life, from birth to death.

How can I experience Sexual Grounding Therapy™?

In order to provide clients and therapists with the safest possible conditions fort his difficult work, SGT is practiced solely in group-settings. These groups are usually organised on a national or international level since ideally a group size of 25 participants or so is desirable. This size group is very difficult to obtain locally.

Sexual Grounding™ in Europe

Having said that SGT is a group therapy I do not offer it here in my practice in Erlangen. Naturally my work is informed, inspired and influenced by this method. Current and upcoming SGT groups can be found in the column on the left.